Company of heroes blitzkrieg map pack
Company of heroes blitzkrieg map pack

Still, even if the squad has double StG44s, you'll have to buy veterancy level 2 against a heavy anti-infantry unit like commandos. A unit with double StG44-package can kill huge masses of paratroopers, British tommy squads, or unupgraded riflemen. StG44s are great versus units with limited anti-infantry, like paratroopers. Having only one StG44 is usually enough to stand against flamers and even BARed rifles when properly used, but know that against Rangers with Thompson-rifles, they are going to lose. Sturmgewehr44 - The StG44 is a great anti-infantry weapon at close range so you should use them with same principle as panzerschrecks: get as close to enemy infantry as you can.A single Storms squad with double-panzerschrecks works wonders versus British emplacements and is more efficient than spreading out the upgrades. They will be easier to detect and it will also be harder to get both those squads close enough to same target. This is because when attacking with two separate Stormtrooper squads both having one panzerschreck it will be more difficult to handle as the troops are more spread out. Usually having double-panzerschrecks on a single grenadier squad isn't recommended, especially because that increases the drop rate of the weapon, but with Stormtroopers it might be a good solution. Panzerschrecks - These anti-vehicle weapons tend to miss often at long range so you should try to get as close as you can to an enemy vehicle or tank while cloaked before unleashing a volley.Stormtroopers are able to get assault nades from the right side of the Blitzkrieg tree as well

Company of heroes blitzkrieg map pack